5 Plastic Alternatives When Running into Resin Shortages

The COVID-19 pandemic has massively disrupted the global supply chain. As a result, more and more organizations are looking for reliable and efficient alternatives to plastics to overcome resin shortages.

As many companies are suffering from material shortages, it causes price fluctuations and adversely affects the production of plastic-based components.

The good news is that there has been a lot of innovation in material development processes, and more manufacturers are exploring alternatives to resins.

Whenever an industry faces challenges like material shortages, they have the opportunity to explore more options and optimize processes with the help of modern tools and technology.

Nowadays, many alternatives are available; they act as a reliable replacement for common plastics like polycarbonate.

Different types of plastic wraps and stretch wraps are now available that allow consumers and large- scale organizations to overcome shortages and continue with their business processes.

Following are the top 5 plastic alternatives to resin shortages:

1. Polysulfone (PSU)

This resin is a crystalline, translucent, pale-amber high-performance thermoplastic with reliable melting stability.

As a result, it is capable of being processed with the help of standard thermoplastic processing methods. PSU is a highly popular component often used in various types of plastic wrap.

PSU also has good chemical and hydrolytic stability, as well as exceptional mechanical, electrical, and thermophysical characteristics.

The resin’s properties combine to make it ideal for components such as plumbing components,

sterilizable plastic parts for medical equipment, and membranes for water treatment, gas separation, and other applications.

2. Polyphthalmide (PPA)

Semi-aromatic polyamides, such as PPA, are frequently a less costly alternative to fully aromatic aramids. PPA has a mixture of aromatic and aliphatic groups.

It significantly decreases moisture absorption that leads to less dimensional changes and more stable characteristics.

The material is ideal for goods that must be exposed to harsher chemicals and temperatures over extended periods of time.

Motor components, coolant pumps, bearing pads, resonators, and other items are examples of typical uses.

3. Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)

PPS has a high melting point and low solubility, that that’s why it requires specific processing to make components out of it.

However, its aromatic ring structure gives it excellent heat and chemical resistance, good dimensional stability, and high tensile and structural strength.

PPS is a commonly utilized polyphenylene because of its flame-retardant characteristics and excellent electrical properties.

Electrical and electronic parts, as well as mechanical parts in vehicles and precision engineering, are common applications of PPS.

4. Polyphenylene oxide (PPO)

PPO has good tensile and impact strength and is resistant to a variety of chemicals, including steam and water.

However, it is susceptible to stress cracking, and that’s why it has limited applications. PPO has a problem with melt processing because it requires a high glass-transition temperature.

As a result, it’s frequently mixed with high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) for use in pump components, fan impellors, catalyst supports, and other applications in the automotive and electronics industries.

Moreover, it is also used in high-quality plastic wraps by large-scale organizations.

5. Syndiotactic polystyrene (SPS)

The plastic alternative, known as Xarec, is the first syndiotactic polystyrene (SPS) resin. The unique structure provides for a wide range of desirable features.

SPS is heat resistant, hydrolysis resistant, and chemically resistant to corrosion by different acids and alkalis, including vehicle oil and antifreeze. It also has a low specific gravity, which reduces part

weight and cost.

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