Since there are so many factors that go into the effectiveness of adhesive tape, we created a checklist to help you troubleshoot your sticky issues.

Has The Same Tape Worked Before?
If you used the same type of tape before and it worked, but now it doesn’t, then consider what has changed. Are the conditions different – colder, wetter, hotter? Did you apply it differently?
This should be the first step in diagnosing why your tape isn’t sticking.
Is The Tape New?
If the tape is new and it isn’t sticking, it might be the wrong tape for the job.
Was The Surface Clean?
Ideally, the surface must be clean, dry, and oil free. When in doubt, wash the surface with rubbing alcohol and dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth.
Was It The Surface Texture?
Do you have a flat, smooth surface that makes good contact with the tape’s adhesive? Or do you have a rough surface that leads to minimal contact and requires a thick adhesive? Try testing the tape on a flat, clean surface (metal or glass always works well), and see if your tape adheres well there. If so, your problem may be a rough surface.
Could It Be Chemistry?
Some surfaces like polyethylene or PVC or concrete are especially hard to adhere. A tacky tape will help, but if not, try a different roll and see if the trouble persists. Or as described above, try the tape on a flat, clean glass or metal surface. If it sticks well, chances are the problem is the surface and not the tape.
Are You Trying To Stick To Cardboard?
If so, remember that cardboard is sometimes made from recycled material, which tends to have many small fibers on the surface that break away very easily. You may need a tape that is designed explicitly for recycled cardboard.
Could The Tape Be Too Old?
Like most products, adhesive tape will deteriorate over time and lose their adhesive properties. Does your problem disappear when a fresh roll of tape is used? If not, it’s time to toss out that old tape.
Could It Be The Temperature?
Most tapes won’t stick if the roll or the surface is too cold.
Was It Installed Properly?
It may seem simple, but knowing how to apply tape properly plays a huge role in whether or not the adhesive sticks. As the name ‘pressure sensitive adhesive’ implies, there needs to be an application pressure across the entire width to get the contact necessary for a good bond. If you don’t have good pressure, you won’t have a good bond.
Could It Be You?
Are your hands clean, or could you be inadvertently causing contamination? For example, if you recently worked on a car engine or used hand cream, you could be adversely affecting the surface. Clean your hands a try again.